Happy 3rd birthday to Enzo!

I can't believe it, our youngest Aussie is three today. I missed his second birthday as I was away in NZ playing in the snow, so here's two years worth of "best of Enzo" photos to make up for it.

Most often referred to as Wee Man or Mr Pickle, Enzo is the laziest of our Aussies, declining to engage in competitive fetch games but always happy to snatch the toy when the others come in close range, proudly bringing it back to us to take the credit.

And swimming? No thanks. Why make the effort when you can just snatch the stick from the others when they get to the edge?

He's still obsessed with food and given a big meaty bone, will doggedly make his way through the entire thing in one sitting if it's not confiscated beforehand.

When it come time to model for my mentoring students, he gets his big boy pants on and will happily (well, very seriously) model like a pro for as long as there are treats for payment.

Opal is still his favourite to hang out with and they mutually chew sticks and wrestle every day. Then he plonks himself down in front of her for an ear wash every night, before hopping up on the couch and with a big groan, throwing himself on me for a cuddle.

We love our lazy, quirky guy - happy birthday little fella!