Bare Bones Session ~ Humphrey the Beagle in Brisbane

At the grand opening of Auchenflower pet supply store Chew Chomp and Chill, we held a lucky door prize draw and Trish was the winner of the Bare Bones Session I offered up as a prize. Choosing just one of her many pets, which include 5 dogs, 2 cats, 3 rats, 6 chooks and 2 fish (!!) was hard, but she settled on her special little Beagle boy Humphrey as it was soon to be his first birthday. What a great birthday present!

Blue eyes aren’t exactly desirable in the showing world so Humphrey wasn’t in the running as a show dog from his breeder, but when the opportunity came up for Trish to add Humphrey to her family she jumped at it.

Like all Trish’s dogs, Humphrey is clicker trained. It’s amazing what can be achieved by some on-the-spot clicker training and a great dog-handler relationship. In a surprisingly short amount of time, we had Humphrey looking at the camera on cue! It made my job very easy.

He certainly had his blue steel look down pat by the end of the session! 


Right at the end of the session we were blessed with some very pretty skies. Unfortunately the location didn’t lend itself to creating silhouettes as there was nowhere to place Humphrey so he was totally outline against the sky. Instead, I went for something a bit different! This is the before and after I shared on the Zoomies Pet Photography Workshop page on Facebook.