Happy 1st Birthday Enzo!

Happy first birthday to our (not so) wee man, Enzo!

I wasn't sure how a third Aussie would fit in to our very closely bonded Fletcher + Opal duo, but almost from the very start he endeared himself to both and now we couldn't imagine life without him!

I never thought Opal would play with another dog like she does with Fletcher, but her and Enzo now spend hours wrestling, mutually chewing things and generally just hanging out together. Which is fine with Fletcher as he prefers chilling by himself and hanging out with dad anyway - except when Enzo goads him into a game and then it's on!

I'm just so happy with how the three of them get along, they really do love each other and are such a great pack.

Enzo is a completely different personality to the other two. He's super chilled, but also has silly playful zoomy moments. He'll never run for the ball with the other two, but will go and fetch it (in his usual uncoordinated way) if he doesn't have any competition - then trot past the other two showing off like he's a fetch expert. He always brings the ball or frisbee back - after the steals it off the other two when they come in close range. At the dog park he says hello to all the humans and goads other random dogs at the dog park into a game of chase. Being chased is his favourite! And he loves a good cuddle.

He has many weird and quirky tendencies so his puppy nickname Pickle still feels appropriate, I don't think he'll ever outgrow that one.

Thanks so much Wajoma for letting us have yet another of your amazing Aussies.

Tonnes more photos, stories, videos on their Instagram account.